Mediation Process

Mediation is a cost-effective alternative to the traditional grievance and litigation process. It is a confidential process, usually voluntary, that ensures that the outcome of the decision-making process remains in the hands of parties in the dispute. Mediation provides the opportunity for the parties to discuss their issues, clear up misunderstandings, identify separate and mutual interests, and find areas of agreement without the risk and expensive cost of litigation.


The mediation process is intended to tap the parties' wisdom, unlock creativity, bring about hope, loosen deadlocks, and promote understanding, cooperation and joint problem solving.

Mediation Benefits

  • Mediation is generally received to be a fair and effective form of alternative dispute resolution.
  • Mediation allows the parties to maintain control over the development of any agreement.
  • Compliance with an agreement reached in mediation is often higher than with an external decision.
  • Mediation is a confidential process unless the parties mutually agree otherwise.
  • The process fosters understanding and cooperation often resulting in improved relationships.
  • Role of Mediator?

    The mediator provides a safe environment, constructively frames the important issues and provides support for the development of a mutually acceptable solution for the disputing parties.

    HOA Mediation

    Disputes between homeowners and associations are often times resolved at mediation. Mediation is a way for the homeowner or the association and its active members to meet to resolve a dispute without the expensive costs of litigation.